
“I have yo-yo dieted for 20+ years and this lockdown was slowly turning me into a chunk or drunk (or both). Caroline is so passionate and knowledgeable about nutrition and fitness so I knew this was the lady to help me “reset” my diet brain.

I’m hooked to her online live classes as I feel she’s watching me and that’s the motivation I need. They are such good fun too and don’t last as long as you’d expect.

Her Shape-up book is the ONLY book you need if you want to learn how to be kind to your body and nourish it from the inside out.

The “Best version of Me” is on its way with Caroline’s help - the first time since my 20’s”

— Tamsin


I am so grateful to Caroline! She has shown me how to be the best I can be for me. No more fad diets, loosing weight, gaining more weight!! After 8 weeks, I am now 11.5 inches slimmer, healthier and fitter and all I have had to do is learn about nutrition and eat to feed my body rather than stuff my face! Having an office job, exercise is playing a big part in being a better version of myself, and Caroline’s online fitness classes are energising, and fun. My digestive system has so improved and my skin is so much clearer and brighter, and I sleep so much better! I really don’t think I would be feeling so confident, fit and healthy if it wasn’t for Caroline’s online program. I can’t wait for the next stage of the journey with her.

— Linda


Wow where do I start! I'm so happy with my progress so far, eating the right foods and exercising with this amazing lady has turned my life around. I have lost 13 inches of fat in 8 weeks. Not a bit of diet food in sight, no more low fat full of sugar for me thank you, just healthy nutritious food from now on. Can't recommend this, enough. Invest in yourself not these stupid money making diet companies! I feel more energised, sleep better and the main thing for me is my mental health has improved. Do it, you won't regret it xx

— Jo

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I have been working with Caroline in a Group PT/Nutritional setting for approx. the last 6 months.

During that time I have become fitter, stronger and much happier! I have also discovered a new love for Sea Swimming! I

I have lost 2" respectively from my waist and chest and over 9lbs in weight. I'm pleased with these achievements because they have been realised not through Dieting and Excessive exercise, but through Educated Healthy Eating and Structured Targeted exercise.

Caroline is a great PT and Nutritional Expert. She adopts a true Holistic approach when working with her clients.

She genuinely cares about people and wants to see them make progress in all areas of their lives. Her nutritional expertise and knowledge is 2nd to none and widely extensive.

I've also found her to be a brilliant PT who conscientiously prepares every session with great variety. These are mentally as well as physically stimulating, something which I need, and are great fun too!

I've found her to be very Professional in all that she does. She is personable, empathetic, non judgemental, positive, supportive, encouraging, realistic and FUN! Plus she also likes to Dance!

I thoroughly recommend her as a PT/Nutritional Therapist!

— David

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When people ask me has anything positive come out of being in Lockdown for so much of 2020 , I say yes! Meeting Caroline online and deciding to enrol on the shape up course and join the exercise group . I’ve always loved exercise ( but needed to push myself at times !) and I’ve always loved food too! Maybe not always the right food and like other wonderful members I’ve met on this journey I have tried numerous diets , half starved myself for a few weeks to lose that bit of weight for a special occasion etc , and then put it all on again!!! What Caroline teaches us is the balance between good food , good exercise and mental well being , and what a difference it has made to the way I feel about food and my body . Caroline you are a total star , you are always there for us , motivating us with your online exercise classes which are fun , varied , energetic and great team efforts . The way I have learnt about the different food types from your course has finally made me realise I can eat tasty nutritious food , and not crave the things I used to , because I’m more satisfied and don’t feel the need to look for them . It was all about educating my brain and Caroline is so passionate about nutrition , the way she teaches us about it in the course it all made sense ! The recipes in the book and those the other fellow members have shared have inspired me to get organised and get cooking so I have a healthy balanced meal to look forward to.

On the front of the shape up book is the saying ‘Be the best version of you ‘ and that is exactly what Caroline encourages us to be . We are all different and want different things but I feel so much happier and healthier since joining Caroline on this journey , I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to anyone.

- Vanessa

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Caroline has really changed my life, she is so knowledgeable and inspiring. I would highly recommend her Shape Up course as it really is life changing in so many ways. I feel so happy and healthy and can't wait for the next 8 to start...thank you Caroline you are a true star.

— Maria

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My adventures with Caroline began in the summer of 2014 after some major changes in my life. I was made redundant from the company I worked for after 27 years and the loss of my mother both had a drastic effect on my life, and I became a very emotional eater. I had put on a lot of weight in the few months before I started working with Caroline. I decided to take a year out and heal myself physical and emotionally. We started working together first to improve my fitness and Caroline had me training outdoors in all weathers, sun, rain, and snow. Due to our shared passion for food our training session also became about food and nutrition, with a little bit of counselling thrown in. We had to talk about something during our regular 4 mile yomps through the countryside. There was no criticism from Caroline if I did not maintain my diet and slipped, only encouragement to carry on. Keeping a food diary helped me understand what I was eating and what triggers I had that made me binge eat. Caroline’s knowledge about fitness, nutrition and her belief that diets do not work have helped me continue with my healthy fitness and diet. I have continued to eat healthy and my weight has continued to reduce. Caroline’s Shape Up programme is all about encouraging healthy lifestyle changes and with no faddy diets. Caroline is passionate about helping other to achieve their goals through positive changes that start with the mind. I would highly recommend joining the Shape Up programme, it is a start to a whole new you!

— Roxanne

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Its always nice to do a review because you consciously have to remember why you started and acknowledge what you’ve achieved. Also it helps refocus you on your journey. I got in contact with Caroline back in April due to having issues with finding the right advice for my type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia and blood pressure. So fast forward 8 months…what have I done, learnt and what has changed? I’ve become more active than I was, mainly walking and yoga but it’s Still more than I did when I 1st started. I have gained a wonderful support network with Caroline and the Facebook group. We share ideas, recipes, jokes and friendship. Which helps make the journey less of struggle. I have learnt about different types of food and how they affect the body and what is actually good and bad. The results of this is, my type 2 diabetes is in remission due to Caroline’s advice. My blood pressure is down and I have a better attitude towards my fibromyalgia. I have good days and bad but with all the support available, I don’t feel alone or overwhelmed at what I want to achieve. Also I should note that there has been a shift in attitude with others in the house, wanting to get healthier and wanting to exercise with me. None of this would have been achieved if I hadn’t reached out and found Caroline and the group. Best decision I’ve made in a long time…….now I just need to stay strong and away from the Christmas goodies

— Lorraine

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I can highly recommend Caroline’s Shape Up course for so many reasons. For me, I have finally taken the plunge to regularly swim in the sea and I LOVE IT!! I discovered at the weekend that I can comfortably run alongside my children whilst they cycle (yes, I should cycle but my 4 year old often needs a push, he calls it “Ball power” and his road sense is currently very limited!) without feeling exhausted, I’m becoming so much more aware of what I eat and how it benefits me nutritionally and I’m teaching my children at the same time. I am sleeping better, I have less tummy pain, the list of benefits are endless. It has been lovely to be part of a group and to follow their journeys.

Caroline is extremely knowledgeable, really down to earth and so positive and encouraging, you simply can’t fail to achieve results in whatever area of your life you’re keen to focus.

Thank you Caroline! Can’t wait to learn some more!

- Karen


Everyone will agree that 2020 was a tough year! But lockdown 1 was when I came across Caroline and her Shape up programme. After years of yo-yo dieting and getting nowhere, I decided to try this programme and join the PT sessions /online classes. I have learnt so much! I may not be where I want to be just yet as life always throws things in the way BUT I have the tools, the knowledge AND the amazing support from Caroline to make 2021 my year. If you are looking to turn your health around and be "the best version of you" , look no further! Caroline is the best, what she doesn't know is not worth knowing. Her classes are always fun and challenging and a family affair too! (my kids love going to PT!) The programme's ethos and holistic approach make it the only one for me.

I am so grateful to have met Caroline (and the shape up family!) and thankful for her help and support.

- Gwen


I can highly recommend Caroline and her Shape up course. I have been a classic yo-yo dieter for many years and I’d lose weight and then gain it over and over again. There are so many fad diets and myths out there it can be mind boggling and so difficult to know what to believe. However this is NOT a diet, this is about changing your perception and learning the truth about good nutrition and how to fuel your body correctly. It is not restrictive and I have not felt deprived of anything! It has been so refreshing and I finally feel free from the dieting cycle!

- Lisa