Why you should stop dieting.
The Facts
Each year over 10 million people in the UK and 40 million people in the USA start a new diet, within 5 1/2 weeks 50% have given up.
Of those who succeed in losing weight in the short term, 95% put all the weight back on within a year.
It is estimated that over 80% of adults in the UK have been on a diet at one time or another.
The average woman spends 31 years on a diet.
According to researchers at the University of California, not only did diets not work, but the more of them you go on the better you become at gaining weight.
In the UK there are tens of thousands of people whose lives revolve painfully around the issues of weight, eating and their control.
In the UK, one in 100 women aged between 15 and 30 suffers from anorexia. Reports show girls as young as five years of age have weight concerns and think about going on a diet.
In the UK and the USA combined approximately 12 million people suffer from eating disorders.
20% of young women diet either all or most of the time.
We want you to experience the benefits different foods have to offer.
When you work on balanced, nutritious eating and listening to your bodies needs…
You will naturally loose weight (if you need to)! You will feel more energised, your mind will feel more balanced and you will feel better within yourself. There are no short term fixes, we must invest in ourselves, future selves and most importantly our health and wellbeing. Life is for living and why not live it with energy and vitality, be the best version of you.
Shape Up is NOT restrictive.
It’s time to say goodbye to unhealthy habits…
…emotional eating, being up and down on the scales and worrying about what you can and cannot eat in a world of dieting mania.
It’s time to say hello to healthy eating, good nutrition, a balanced mind, a healthy relationship with food and moving your body more, for a healthy, energised mind and body. Finding a weight that’s right for you, with no restrictions, just making healthier choices and breaking habits, so you can be the best version of you, for life.